
Psalm 19:10
“More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”

We have all had the silly daydream of winning the lottery, finding a stash of money in a secret compartment in the attic, inheriting millions from an unknown uncle,  or inventing the next great product everyone wants to own. Why? I think the answer is simply that we would all love to have an unlimited supply of cash; not for it’s intrinsic value, but because of what we can obtain with it, and for the security that it brings. Imagine never having to worry about the bills again.

Here the Psalmist declares there is something he desires, perhaps even daydreams about, more than riches. His desire was for the Word of God. Using such sweet poetry, he declares that God’s Words are of more value to him than gold, and sweeter to his ears than honey is to his lips. Why? Why did the Psalmist put such a high price tag upon his Bible? I think the answer is found when we consider what we gain from the Words of God.

David is delighting in the purchasing power of the Words of God. Each and every one of the precious promises found in the pages of your Bible has power to transform your life, and your living. He declares four things about God’s Word that makes it more precious than any treasure on earth. First, it is able to convert the soul. No amount of money can prepare a man for eternity, but one truth from the Word of God can convict a person of their sin, and lead to the cross; where they can be forgiven and redeemed. Second, the Word will make wise the simple. We are daily faced with difficult decisions, but the Bible is filled with daily direction. Third, it rejoices the heart. In the times of deep despair, when the sorrows of death encompass us, a single verse has the power to bring joy to the heart, setting us free from despair. And finally, it enlightens the eyes. There are so many roads in life, so many dangerous pitfalls to avoid. We can sometimes be overwhelmed with the decisions we are forced to make. Yet, the Word of God promises to illuminate our paths. Later in the Psalms, we will read that His Word is like a lamp for our feet and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). No need to wander aimlessly through the darkness of life, when the Bible turns the lights on.

Instead of daydreaming about a bigger house, a newer car, a grand vacation, or pot of gold, let’s meditate upon the great and precious promises of God.

Pastor Jim

Questions for Psalm 19

In this Psalm David seems to be looking up at creation and looking into the Word.

  1. In verses 1-6, what does David express about creation as an instrument of revealing God to us?
  2. In verses 7-11 how is the Word of God described?
  3. What was the Psalmist’s reaction to the Word of God?

Old Testament:
Psalm 20- Shepherd’s Heart
1 Samuel 18- Friends
1 Samuel 19- Guilty

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