The Well Of Salvation

Isaiah 12:3-4
“Therefore with joy you will draw water
From the wells of salvation.
And in that day you will say:
“Praise the Lord, call upon His name;
Declare His deeds among the peoples,
Make mention that His name is exalted.”

Isaiah paints a beautiful picture to illustrate salvation and its benefits. He writes it is like a well from which the waters of life can be drawn, and the child of God can be filled with joy. He goes on to say that we should declare this to all people.

In many parts of the world, the center of village life is a community well. It is the place people gather daily to retrieve the most essential ingredient for life. Without water, they will not survive a week. The atmosphere around the well is often very joyful. People tell stories, and express love for one another, as they await their turn to fill their buckets. Isaiah is using that to illustrate the joy found in relationship with the Lord.

When a person comes to Christ, their sins are forgiven and a relationship with God begins.  However, the benefits of being a child of God do not stop there. We also become part of a community with those who have come to Christ. We gather together, around the waters of life, and seek to encourage one another to continue to follow and serve our Savior and Lord.

Be sure to gather at the well of salvation today. Take your time, and spend it with Jesus. Then look for opportunities to share with others, the things Christ is doing in your life.

Pastor Jim


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